National Advisory is a for-profit business that for a fee assists in compiling, preparing and processing paperwork for people seeking consolidation, restructuring and/or forgiveness of their federal student loans through the U.S. Department of Education’s (“DOE”) programs.
National Advisory is not affiliated with and has no special relationship with the DOE or any other academic or governmental entity. DOE program applications can only by approved by the DOE or its authorized representatives.
This site and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the DOE, and the content or any information posted on this site is not endorsed by and does not reflect the views of the DOE.
You can apply for loan consolidation or alternative repayment programs on your own without paid assistance through the DOE at
National Advisory is not a loan servicer and does not renegotiate, settle, or in any way alter the terms of any payment or debt.
Each of the DOE’s forgiveness programs has specific conditions and requirements that must be satisfied, and many borrowers will not qualify under any of these programs. Since some of these conditions and requirements depend on future events, National Advisory cannot guarantee or even determine if you will qualify for forgiveness
Lowering monthly payments may require you to pay more interest over a longer period.